トラック: 1.Katso kukkaa 2.Salaperäisten tanssi 3.Voyages: To The Strangest Sea 4.Silver Blossom Secrets of The Moon 5.New Dawn 6.Kaikki pienet ötökät 7.Ninro's Theme 8.In The Court of The Bling-Blong King 9.Gardens of The Mind 10.The Seven Lamps of Trance (analog craft mix) 11.Roadside Attractions on The Way to Bliss (prisoners of the casbah mix) 12.Crusaders of The Crystal Matrix (mayan dreamtime mix) 13.The Golden King of The Forest (winter 2012 mix) 14.Beyond The Veil of Sleep 15.Kotiin haltiakansan luo (2012 remaster) 16.Uin läpi avaruuden tähtien (2012 remaster) 17.Tulevaisuuden samea vesi 18.Farewell Tomorrow, Welcome Yesterday (2012 remaster)